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Dallas Independent School District

Dedication Runs Deep

Explore Dallas ISD

Through the dedication of over 23,000 team members, Dallas Independent School District is working toward one goal: becoming the premier school district in the United States.

Welcoming and protective schools

Dallas ISD is committed to providing a welcoming and supportive environment for all students, staff, and families, regardless of their immigration status.

Welcoming and Protective Schools

Legacy Schools

Dallas ISD neighborhood schools are legacy schools and they offer the best in excellence, innovation and tradition. 

girl on Woodrow Wilson Drill Team

Transformation and Innovation Schools

Dallas ISD provides families with a wide array of choices to ensure every student can attend their best-fit school. The district currently offers 70+ Transformation and Innovation schools.

Science Experiment


Dallas ISD offers championship athletics with students earning college scholarships to play sports at some of the top schools across the country.

Early Learning

A strong start to early childhood is more critical than ever. Children that attend Pre-K learn to socialize with their peers, manage their emotions, and get the foundational academic skills to boost their lifetime learning potential.

Early Learning

recent highlights

news from our district

Our Distinctions

The Dallas ISD Difference


Dallas ISD Campuses are
National Blue Ribbon Schools


Unique extracurricular and
co-curricular activities


Schools earning an “A” or “B” from the Texas Education Agency


Career Institutes are giving students the skills and training
they need for good-wage jobs in high-demand fields out of high school


Dallas ISD high schools ranked best in the nation


College credits earned by high school students during the 2022-2023 school year (fall through summer)


P-TECH and Career Institute partners are giving students real world experience in high school

Upcoming Events

on the horizon

Discover unlimited opportunities

what are you waiting for?
