9400 North Central Expressway,Dallas, Texas 75231Help Desk: (972) 794-3550
Fax: (972) 794-3551
SDMS supports EdPlan™, a comprehensive technology for managing special programs by automating and streamlining data collection and management.
EasyIEP™ is the EdPlan module Dallas ISD uses to manage special education compliance by documenting services, information and timelines.
FIE Writer™ is the EdPlan module used by Dallas ISD staff to assist in the evaluation and assessment process for students in special education.
SPED Referral is the EdPlan module used to document referrals to special education.
§504 is the EdPlan module used to manage §504 process by documenting and tracking §504 plans and accommodations.
Data Resources - Monthly Report Guides
Special Education Summary Data Executive Director
Special Education Summary Data Campus
Section 504 Summary Data Campus
SDMS Reports (requires VPN outside Dallas ISD)