Martin Weiss Leadership Academy will be a premiere school of choice serving the Oak Cliff community with pride and excellence that prepares students to lead both nationally and globally by facilitating data-driven, innovative, project-based instruction.
Our mission at Martin Weiss Leadership Academy is to utilize our rigorous, performance based, leadership development model that is driven by the following pedagogical approaches:
- Socio-Emotional Learning
- Socio-Emotional development via “The Leader in Me” character development regimen.
- Project Based Learning
- Project Based Learning Instructional Framework via training and resources offered by the Buck Institute.
- Personal Leadership Portfolio PK-5
- A cumulative leadership portfolio comprising measurable characteristics that define the 5 Levels of Transformational Leadership. (Includes Grade 5 Leadership Internship)
Our goal is to place academic excellence, career and college readiness, and social development at the forefront of our educational philosophy. Using the Project Based Learning Cycle coupled with our 7 Excellent Leadership Habits, learners will demonstrate competency in the Five Levels of Transformational Leadership. We will develop critical thinkers, consumers of information, informed researchers, and effective communicators.
Parents, we really need your help with attendance. Students are to arrive on campus by 7:45am everyday. When students are tardy, they miss out on how we develop and educate the whole student. When your child is late, it causes stress and anxiety because they enter a classroom that has already started instruction. Tardiness requires your child to play catch up as a way to start their day.
Perfect attendance is a goal for all of our students. We understand emergencies happen and students are sometimes ill. If your child is not experiencing an illness with fever or COVID related symptoms, we ask that they come to school.
If your student has 0 tardy slips & 0 absences, they will be eligible for FREE DRESS FRIDAY at the end of the grading cycle!!!!!
Attendance Committee
The school doors will open at 7:30a.m.
First Bell Rings at 7:45a.m.
Tardy Bell Rings at 8:00a.m.
Students are dismissed at 3:15p.m.
Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 students will enter and be dismissed through the back of the building by the teachers' parking lot.
Kinder through 2nd Grade will enter through the school front door
3rd through 5th Grade will enter though the side door of the building by the cafeteria entrance.
For the safety of our students, we will no longer allow drop off or pick up of students in the teacher's parking lot. This is a safety violation. All drop off and pick up will occur in the circular drive except for Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 they are to be dropped off at their designated location. All students who are tardy enter through the front of the school.
Safety is our top priority. Students must be monitored/supervised. Students are not to arrive before 7:30am. Staff will not be at the campus before 7:30a.m. to monitor/supervise students due to their scheduled working hours.
When parents drop their students off before staff arrives, it becomes a safety concern.
Also, parents must ensure that their student(s) enter the building in the designated grade-level entry ways. This is to support an orderly transition and mitigate the spread of COVID.
There will be no early dismissal after 2:30 pm. This helps us to be able to have an orderly dismissal transition and for the safety of the students. Any early dismissal requests must be before 2:30pm Monday - Friday.