• General Information

    At Whitney M. Young Elementary School, our mission is to provide a nurturing environment whereby students are enabled to develop positive character as they are provided the skills to graduate and become productive citizens. Our vision is that Whitney M. Young Elementary School will foster a learning community where every student is challenged to become Critical Thinkers, cultivate effective Communication, encourage Collaboration, and promote Creativity.
    Whitney M. Young continues to employ research-based strategies to move students to a higher level of success. Our school day begins with morning tutorials and ends with after-school programs that include tutorials and extracurricular activities. Our week extends to Saturday, and our Success University students are challenged to reach their maximum potential in all core subjects as needed.
    Our home-school connection includes training for parents and opportunities for parents to collaborate with staff to make decisions that will enhance the education of students. Parents are VIPs (Very Important Parents) at Whitney Young Elementary School and we appreciate every second shared with our learners. Some opportunities for parent involvement and support include membership in the PTA, serving on the Site-Based Decision Making team, membership on the Campus Improvement Planning committee, and serving as homeroom parents.