• Log onto googleclassroom.com for your assignments.

    Use the following Google classroom codes applicable to your class.

    Advisory class code  3rjuhys

    1st period Physics class code   wq2edjs

    3rd Period Physics class code   dinczcv

    4th Period Physics class code   qfbfylj

    5th Period Physics class code   mvcezt3

    6th Period Physics class code   zi7hvt5

    8th Period Physics class code  bird4ew

    I will update your assignments per our block schedule and you will have two days to complete the assignments.  I will record a lecture and place it in the assignment on Google Classroom should you miss a day or need extra help. 

    If you fall behind, the recorded lectures will be there for you to guide you and teach the assignment.  Zoom links with passcodes will be available in Google Classroom if a parent would like to conference with me without physically arriving at school.   

    Be sure to do your assignments for your grade.  For students, all communications with your teacher will be through the district server, either with our district Zoom account or my district email account.  For parents/guardians, you may reach me at any time through the district's email account.

    My district email is jbrady@dallasisd.org

    Thank you.

    I am blessed to be your teacher!