• General Technology Tips:

    • If you are having trouble with your computer hardware or if you need a wireless hotspot,  please call Dallas 972-925-5630 and complete the questions below.  Examples:  computer won’t charge, lost charger cable, cracked screen, won’t connect to wifi. All issuing of new laptops and laptop repairs are done by Dallas ISD.

    • Make sure you are using Google Chrome and the student is signed in to Google Chrome using their StudentID#@www.dallasisd.org and their student password. 
    • Make sure you try closing all windows that are open on your screen and restarting the computer.


    Google Classroom

    -First, the student should login to Google Chrome and sign in with their StudentID#@www.dallasisd.org and the password is Disd@2020!

    -Next, accept all of the invitations to join each teacher's class.  Each student should have six classes total since they will have math for two class periods and reading for two class periods. 


    Watch the video below for how to accept the teacher invitations in Google Classroom.

  • Watch this video for general tips for using Google Classroom.