• WHILA Family,

    Welcome back to another exciting school year at Walnut Hill International Leadership Academy! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer, full of fun adventures and cherished moments with family and friends. As we prepare to embark on a new academic year, I wanted to take a moment to extend a heartfelt welcome to everyone in our ever-growing community.

    Our dedicated team of teachers and staff has been hard at work preparing for the year ahead, and we are eager to welcome each of our students back to the classroom. This year promises to be filled with new opportunities for growth, learning, and achievement. We are committed to fostering a positive and engaging environment where every student can thrive.

    For our returning families, thank you for your continued support and partnership. For those who are new to our school community, we are delighted to have you with us and look forward to getting to know you.

    Here are a few important reminders as we start the new school year:

    First Day of School: Classes will begin on August 12th. Doors open at 7:30, no parents will be allowed in the building for safety reasons.

    School Supplies: Please ensure that your child comes prepared with the necessary school supplies as listed on the button below. MS students will receive their lists from each teacher on Monday.

    Parent-Teacher Meetings: We will be hosting parent-teacher conference night on Thursday, 8/8, from 4:00pm-6:00pm. These meetings are a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and to build a strong partnership between home and school.

    Health and Safety: The health and safety of our students and staff remain our top priority. Please review our updated health protocols on our website and update immunization records with Nurse June.

    Registration: All families must register for the fall, here is the video on how to do so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA3PRkQqWG8

    Dismissal: This has changed, please fill out the form sent in the Remind on Friday or in the PDF below. No one will be allowed to park and walk up to pick up their child in the front of the building. If you would like to park and walk up, then you must designate this in the form and you will have to park in the TJ student parking lot in the back of the building and pick your student up from the library doors (See map below).

    Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. Together, we can make this school year a memorable and successful one.


    8/8 - Meet the teacher night (4:00pm - 6:00pm)

    8/12 - First day of School (no parent will be allowed in the building)

    8/20 - Coffee with the Principal (8:00 am)

    9/2 - Labor Day (no school)

    Your feedback as parents is vital to the learning process. Please do not hesitate to reach out by phone, 972-502-7800, or by email, pmeaker@dallasisd.org.

    Go Hawks!