• Community Pledge
    PTA PRESIDENT:         We believe children and young people are the leaders, teachers and future 
                                         of the world.
    AUDIENCE:                  We believe in the greatness of the children of Clinton P. Russell Elementary


    SBDM CHAIR:              Working together, we believe the school, parents and community have the 
                                         power to prepare these students to take their rightful places as leaders in 
                                         our city, state, nation and world.


    AUDIENCE:                  We believe in the future of the children of Clinton P. Russell Elementary  
    PTA PRESIDENT:         Will you commit to support these students by being strong parents, joining
                                         PTA, encouraging regular school attendance, and getting involved as tutors,
                                         volunteers and mentors?


    AUDIENCE:                   Students, you can depend on us to help and support you. We encourage you 
                                         to stay in school, graduate and apply your skills and abilities to help our


    STUDENT:                    Thank you parents and families for believing in us. The students of the great
                                         Clinton P. Russell Elementary School accept the challenge to study hard, stay 
                                         in school, and learn all we can. We pledge to do this to help our families,
                                         communities and the world become better places to live and grow.