Gang Intervention
What is a Gang?
Texas Penal Code 71.01 (d): “Criminal street gang” means three or more persons having a common identifying sign or symbol or an identifiable leadership who continuously or regularly associate in the commission of criminal activities.
Education & Awareness
The district began the Gang Prevention / Intervention Program during the 2004-2005 school year to reduce the influence of street gangs on its campuses. The program model includes prevention, intervention, and enforcement strategies.
The purpose of these initiatives is to increase awareness and to provide every educator and parent in Dallas ISD with a working knowledge of how gangs affect schools and communities.
Students involved in gangs tend to have issues with truancy, drug use, social structure, and a host of other problems. Focusing on the behavior without labeling the student is an important step in the intervention process. Students who are involved in positive activities are less likely to be influenced by gangs. Understanding the facts and reaching out for assistance helps to develop productive students, as well as safe and civil schools and communities.
Crime Stoppers
Anyone with information involving gangs, guns, or drugs can anonymously contact Dallas ISD Crime Stoppers.
- G.R.E.A.T. Website
- District G.R.E.A.T. Program Flyer
- Parents Guide to Gangs - English | Spanish
For More Information
Contact the Dallas ISD Police Gang Unit directly:
Lieutenant T. Thomas (972) 749-2345 Sergeant M. Murillo (469) 740-7216 Sergeant L. Strange (972) 502-4425 lstrange@dallasisd.org Sergeant P. Mitchell (972) 749-2318 paumitchell@dallasisd.org Sergeant B. Johnson (972) 749-2330 berjohnson@dallasisd.org