• Our school community has a college bound culture. This culture is supported and manifested via our CollegeBound program. The program is led by a full-time CollegeBound Advisor, whose sole responsibility is programming and advising as it pertains to ensuring that 100% of our graduates are admitted to and enroll in college. The impact our CollegeBound program has on our campus’s academic success is best illustrated by the post-secondary success of our graduates. All alumnae have been admitted to at least one college/university. The Class of 2020 represents the school’s twelfth to graduate. Our 593 alumnae were offered admission to over 350 different institutions and $75M in academic/merit scholarships. They have matriculated to 141 different colleges and universities across the United States and South Korea. The CollegeBound Advisor position and program are financially supported by the Young Women's Preparatory Network. 

    The CollegeBound program is designed to be comprehensive and developmentally appropriate for each grade level.  Since our school serves young women in the 6ththrough 12th grades, CollegeBound has the ability to provide early college awareness in the middle school years and step-by-step guidance through the admission and financial aid process in the high school years.  Because individual advising has the highest impact on student success, the CollegeBound Program devotes a majority of time to counseling students and their families. Programming is often done in collaboration with Advisory/Homeroom sections, Enrichment groups, Clubs and/or academic departments.


    Middle School

    The program in the middle school grades seeks to promote an understanding of the opportunities that a college education provides.  The goal is to motivate students to take an active role in creating their college future.


    Activities focus on demystifying the college experience, developing a college bound growth mindset, reinforcing that college costs are not the barrier they may seem to be and growing academic and co-curricular habits that support college readiness.The CollegeBound Advisor leads students in activities, presents the CollegeBound Program to parents through workshops and is available for individual meetings as requested by students and their families.


    High School

    The program in the high school seeks to help students prepare for college admission through academic planning and personal development. Activities focus on empowering the individual student and her commitment to her four-year academic and co-curricular plan. The CollegeBound Advisor works together with the School Counselors, Class Advisors, students and families to ensure that students are taking the most challenging, college preparatory courses available through the 12th grade.


    The program guides students through the college search focused on identifying those schools which are the right “fit” for each student. Students will also receive preparation for college entrance exams through incorporation of test strategies in the classroom and through workshops held outside of school hours. The CollegeBound Advisor hosts workshops for students and parents on a variety of topics throughout the year, meets one-on-one with 11th and 12thgrade students and parents, and is available for individual meetings with 9thand 10th grade students and parents as requested.


    Standardized Testing

    The PSAT 8/9 is administered to 8th Graders. The PSAT/NMSQT (Practice SAT) is administered to 9th, 10th and 11thgraders in October.


    11thand 12th graders may elect to take the SAT, the SAT Subject Exams and/or the ACT exams. A testing regimen is established during individual conferences,group meetings and parent meetings. Workshops are conducted with students well in advance of each exam administration to review the exam structure, content and purpose. Exam results are shared with students and parents via group workshops.


    Family Connection – NAVIANCE Succeed

    Echoing the mission of the Irma L. Rangel YWLS and the YWPN, Naviance believes that every student has the potential for academic and post-secondary success and that every student deserves an individualized success plan that connects their learning to meaningful personal goals. Family Connection allows each student to create a personalized success plan. Because it's online, students and families can work together with teachers, counselors, and administrators. This online college counseling tool helps students with planning coursework, researching colleges,and exploring careers. Naviance Succeed provides students with the framework to direct their own education, establish long and short-term goals, and plan for post secondary success. Family Connection is introduced to students in the 9thgrade.



    Because parental support is paramount to the success of our college bound students,regular programming via workshops and seminars are offered throughout the year on a variety of topics. Themed and grade-level meetings are offered. Parents are also encouraged to participate in individual conferences with the CollegeBound Advisor. Parent CollegeBound Handbooks and Resource Packets are available for all parents. Parent University was offered for the first time as a part of the S.O.A.R. Camp (Seniors Organized and Admission Ready) in August 2010 and has expanded in subsequent years.



    The CollegeBound Advisor will arrange for individual meetings with 11thand 12th graders.   All students from all grades may also arrange a meeting by filling out an Appointment Request Form. Students will be allowed to meet with the CollegeBound Advisor during class time at the discretion of their instructors and are responsible for any missed class work.



    High School students may sign up to meet with the college admission officers who visit Rangel through Family Connection-Naviance. Students will be released from class to attend these meetings at the discretion of their teachers and are responsible for any missed class work. Fall meetings are reserved for Juniors and Seniors; spring meetings are open to all high school students.

    The CollegeBound Advisor also plans mini college fairs during the school year which are open to all students.
