NAF Academy of Finance ( AOF) curricula is created in partnership with industry professionals and is designed around projects that help students make connections across subject areas, acquire valuable workplace skills, and see their education as a step toward long-term career success.
This program connects high school students with the world of financial services, offering a curriculum that covers banking and credit, financial planning, securites, insurance, accounting , taxes and economics. Students will participate in a variety of experiences to enhance classroom learning, including work-based learning activities, field trips, guest speakers, and cooperative learning projects.
What's in it for the NAF- Finance Academy Students?
- Exposes students to careers in finance and business
- Small "learning community"
- Network with business leaders
- NAF Alumni network
- Scholarship opportunities
- Paid/Unpaid Internships
- Job Interview Skills
Earn NAFtrack Certification
NAF-Academy of Finance courses at Conrad High School include:
- Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance (9th grade)
- Virtual Business/HR Management(10th grade)
- Banking and Finance/Security and Investments (11th grade)
- Practicum in Business Management Internship(12th Grade)
- Insurance Operations powered by the NAIAA Foundation(10th Grade)
The Insurance Operations Course is powered by the National African American Insurance Association (NAAIA) organization provides instruction and career practices every week and also very active NAF Advisory Board Member), which brings real world training into the classroom. Both programs offer several scholarships and mentorship opportunities. NAAIA actively participates in our mock interviews, career expos, Lunch with the boss Program and end of the year celebrations.