The Advanced Academic Services Department provides numerous professional development (PD) sessions throughout the year for teachers, counselors, and administrators who work with advanced or gifted/talented students. Please note the specific PD requirements using the link to the left.
Teachers are required to have completed thirty (30) hours of professional learning prior to their assignment to the district’s gifted/talented services (19 TAC §89.2(1)). Teachers without required training who are assigned to provide instruction and services that are part of the district’s defined gifted/ talented services are required to complete the thirty (30) hour training within one semester (19 TAC §89.2(2)).Click on the Module to access Cornerstone.
Modules may be taken in any order.
2024-25 G/T Professional Learning
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G/T 6-hour Annual Update
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.