Dallas is noted as a fashionable city, so it stands to reason that studying the latest fashion trends in Skyline Cluster isis a wonderful place to study for a career in the fashion industry. The Fashion Cluster at Skyline provides an opportunity to look at the industry from the inside out.
Fashion Design deals with the design and construction of garments.Students learn to operate industrial equipment like sewing machines, sergers, hemmers, pressers,and cutters.
Fashion Marketing to produce a line of clothing and present it in a fashion students learn the basic of retelling: personnel, control, management, merchandising, and promotion.Students get real life experience by operating and managing the school store.
Students from Fashion Design and Fashion Marketing work together on many projects.
All Fashion Cluster student participate in entry-level classes:Fashion Marketing 11th and 12th grade students have the opportunity to earn 12 to 21 college credits toward and Visual Merchandising Assistant Certification through El Centro Community College’s marketing program.