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    Oran M. Roberts Elementary

    School Parent Compact


    Student’s Name: ____________________________________________

    Grade/Section: _________________________

    Teacher’s Name: ____________________________________________

    Parent/Guardian Agreement

    I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I shall strive to:

    ·         See that my child is punctual and strives for 100% attendance and contact the school if my child is absent. (Have my child in school at or before 7:45 a.m.)

    ·         Support the school in its efforts to maintain proper discipline.

    ·         Ensure my child wears his/her uniform daily. (Navy or black bottoms, white or light blue tops)

    ·         Provide a quiet, well lighted study area with necessary materials to complete homework.

    ·         Ensure my child reads at least 20 minutes every night.

    ·         Establish a time and place for homework and check the work nightly:

    My child’s homework place is ____________________________________

    My child’s homework time is ____________________________________

    My child’s reading time is: ______________________________________

    ·         Talk with my child about his/her school activities every day.

    ·         Attend conferences, look at & behavior charts & school work, and call the school as needed to monitor my child’s progress.

    Parent Signature: _____________________________________________________

    Teacher Agreement

    It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I shall strive to:

    ·         Provide homework assignments for students a minimum of twice a week.

    ·         Encourage students and parents by providing information about student academic social and behavior progress.

    ·         Provide motivating authentic learning experiences in my classroom.

    ·         Explain my expectations, instructional goals, and grading system to students and parents.

    ·         Update student grades on a weekly basis to maintain Parent Portal up to date.

    Teacher’s Signature: _____________________________________________________


    Student Agreement

    It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I shall strive to:

    ·         Achieve 100% attendance.

    ·         Wear my uniform daily.

    ·         Come to school each day with pencils, paper, and other necessary tools for learning.

    ·         Work as hard as I can on my school assignments, complete and return homework assignments.

    ·         Read every day for at least 20 minutes

    ·         Follow the Code of Student Conduct by choosing to follow the rules and exemplify positive behavior.

    ·         Know that I will learn!

    Student’s Signature: ______________________________________