• Special Education

    What’s so SPECIAL about Special Education?

    At Pinkston High School, we believe that all children are entitled to educational opportunities consistent with their ability to learn. Through the Department of Special Education, numerous programs are available for children with disabilities from birth through age twenty-one. The teamwork of our staff of dedicated professionals combined with the support of our community equals a proven track record for success.

    Parent Involvement

    Pinkston recognizes and encourages parent participation.  It is an essential and vital element of the total education process.   Together, parents and the school form a team to determine quality services for these exceptional children.  We encourage parents to participate in ARD meetings, ask questions, and work closely with their child’s teacher and school.  A student support team on each campus meets to consider options when a student is struggling either behaviorally or academically.  Please contact your child‘s school if you have a concern.


    Dallas ISD Special Education Home
    disd logo
    The purpose of the Dallas ISD Special Education Home website is to provide information about the supports and services we provide to students with disabilities. The website is also a tool to provide access to important documents, forms, and other special education information for teachers, administrators, and parents.