Dear Parents/Guardians:
The Chapel Hill Preparatory uniform aims to give our students a sense of belonging and pride in their school while ensuring equality among all students. Our students deserve the best education, resources and opportunities for their future! A smart appearance contributes positively to the students’ attitude to work and study.
Our goal is to work with our families and our partners to make sure every student has access to uniforms without any major financial burden. Click the link for uniform assistancehttps://www.dallasisd.org/Page/78689. Students whose uniforms from this past school year are in good shape and intend to use them for the upcoming school year can do so.
Our goal is for all of our students to be in uniform every day beginning the first day of school. Our uniform provider is Affordable Uniforms, located at 7014 Bruton Rd, Dallas, TX 75217.
Thank you for ensuring that our students are dressed for success every day.
Ms. MartinezUniform Guidelines
- Orange, Light Blue and Navy Blue polo with Chapel Hill Logo
- PK-2nd Plaid Jumper and 3-5 Gr. Plaid Skirt
- Gray, khaki or navy blue pants for PK-5th Grades
- black or navy blue tights/leggings under the skirt
- Shorts under uniform skirt/jumper (must not be able to be seen)
- Black or brown belt
- Orange, light blue, or navy blue polo shirt with Chapel Hill Logo
- Gray, khaki or navy pants
- Gray, khaki or navy shorts
- Black or brown belt
- Only a SOLID WHITE Under-Shirt will be allowed under the uniform polo shirts.
- Only Navy Blue Sweaters/ jackets/ sweater vests: with the Chapel Hill logo OR solid Navy Blue will be allowed to be worn during class.
- NO jackets, sweaters, or sweatshirts of another color /pattern will be allowed in the classrooms.
- NO sweat pants/athletic pants are allowed at any time.
All items can be purchased through our vendor, affordable uniforms.