Henley, Brian
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1. L Define "Leadership"
Posted by:A: Influencing, leading or guiding others to accomplish a mission.
2. L In leadership, _____ gives others a reason for why they should do something.
Posted by:A: (Purpose)
4. L _____ means giving others the will to do what they are capable of doing.
Posted by:A: (Motivation)
5. L _____ are ideas about the worth or importance of things, concepts, and people.
Posted by:A: (Values)
6. L Name the seven individual values of LDRSHIP.
Posted by:A: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.
7. FS The assessment tool winning colors, groups human behavior into categories. Name them.
Posted by:A: Builder, Planner, Adventurer, and Relater.
8. FS What is the difference between intrapersonal skills and interpersonal skills?
Posted by:A: Intrapersonal skills are thoase that occur by yourself. Interpersonal skills are those that occur with others.
9. FS What does self-esteem scale measure on the personal skills map?
Posted by:A: It measures your self-perceived level of personal worth.
10. FS Define Communication.
Posted by:A: A process in which people are able to transfer meaning among themselves.
11. FS Explain the difference between "Needs" and "Wants in financial planning.
Posted by:A: "Needs" are essentials like food, shelter, and Clothing. "Wants" are things that makes life more interesting and fun, but you could live without.
12. FS What does the acronym "SMART" stand for in financial planning?
Posted by:A: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound
13. W What % must you achieve on the Challenge to receive the Presidential PFA?
Posted by:A: 85 percent or higher on each event
14. W Name the five events in Cadet Challenge.
Posted by:A: The one-mile run/walk, the shuttle run, pull-ups, curl-ups, and V-sit reach.
16. W Define "first aid.
Posted by:A: The immediate care given to an injured or ill person to keep him or her alive or stop further damage until qualified medical treatment can be administered.
18. W Explain the Good Sameritan Law.
Posted by:A: This law proyect rescuers and encourages people to assist others in emergencies by granting them immunity against lawsuits as long as the rescuers is acting in good faith.
19. W What RICE an acronym for?
Posted by:A: Rest, ice. compression, and elevation used to treat bone, joint and muscles.
20. CH What is a preamble?
Posted by:A: An introductory statement that explains the purpose or intent of a document.
21. CH Where is the basic power of a democratic government vested?
Posted by:A: In the individual citizen.
22. CH Define "Citizen"
Posted by:A: A person who is born in a country or who chooses to become a member of a country by law, and who owes allegiance to and is granted rights and privileges by its government, especially one with a republican form of government.
23. CH _____ is defined as loyalty to country, government, ruler, group, or Cause.
Posted by:A: Allegiance
25. CH What document summed up a list of greviances against the British Crown.
Posted by:A: The Declaration of Independence
26. CH The leadership of that U.S. general was crucial to winning the Revolutionary War
Posted by:A: General George Washington
29. G What is a map?
Posted by:A: A line drawing of a portion of the earth's surface, as seen from above drawn to scale.
30. G What is meant by the term "to scale," as in a map being drawn "to scale"?
Posted by:A: With each set measurement on the scale representing a set amount of the earth's surface.
31. G What does the color black represent on a map?
Posted by:Man-made features such as buildings or roads.
32. G What does the color blue represent on a map?
Posted by:A: Water features such as lakes, swamps, and rivers.
33. G What does the color brown represent on a map?
Posted by:A: Elevation and relief features such as mountain ranges.
35. C Define "chain of command"
Posted by:A: The succession of leaders through which authority and command pass from the leader to the subordinate, and then through the ranks.
38. C What is the standard for male cadets hair style?
Posted by:A: The hair should neatly trimmed with sideburns no lower than the bottom of the ear opening.
39. C What is the standard for female cadets hair style?
Posted by:A: It should not touch the bottom of the shirt collar and should be styled so the beret can be worn correctly.