District of Innnovation - Frequently Asked Questions

  • If approved, how long would the District of Innovation plan remain in place?
    The plans are valid for five years from the date of adoption. Following adoption, the plans may ONLY be amended or changed by the same process required to create the original plans. Proposed amendments would be submitted to the District of Innovation committee and then to the school board for approval by a super majority vote of the board. After five years, all sections of the plans must be reviewed and the original adoption process followed to renew them.

    What is the role of the District of Innovation committee?
    Currently, the Board of Trustees has only authorized the committee to review and recommend whether the district should have the option to start the school prior to the fourth Monday in August and whether the district should have flexibility in hiring hard-to-fill Dual Credit/ Career and Technical Education (CTE)/ STEAM teacher positions. No other changes are up for consideration.

    Why does school always start in late August?
    Currently, The Texas Education Code says that districts cannot begin classes before the fourth Monday in August. If the Board of Trustees approves the District of Innovation plan, Dallas ISD would have the flexibility to begin classes earlier.

    Why does Dallas ISD want certification flexibility when it comes to hiring certain teachers?
    We are seeking flexibility to employ teachers without certification ONLY in areas associated with Dual Credit, Career and Technical Education and STEAM courses. This will allow us to expand course offerings to provide our students more opportunities in their areas of interest. Exemption from teacher certification rules would allow us the flexibility to hire a teacher with field and career experience who may not be a state certified teacher.

    What other school districts have adopted a District of Innovation plan?
    See the link below to learn what plans other school districts are pursuing and the types of exemptions being proposed.

    TEA Districts of Innovation information

    When will the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees consider adopting the District of Innovation plan?
    Dallas ISD’s plan for innovation will be formally considered by our Board of Trustees in May 2017.