• ap exam


    AP Exams Overview

    AP Exams are standardized exams designed to measure how well students have mastered the content and skills of a specific AP Course.  Most AP courses have an end-of-year exam, but a few courses have different ways to assess student learning - for example, AP Art and Design students submit a portfolio of work for scoring (www.collegeboard.org)


    Exam Schedule

    AP Exams are administered over the course of two weeks each May.  For the 2023 exam schedule including start times, click HERE.

    Exam Locations

    AP Exams are administered at high schools across Dallas ISD.  Please ask your teacher or counselor for more information.  

    Homeschooled students wishing to register for an AP Exam should contact the AP Coordinator at their local Dallas ISD campus.

    Exam Scoring 

    AP Exams are created and scored by AP teachers and college professors.