Upcoming Opportunities
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Jewish Family Service is currently seeking High School sophomores, juniors, and seniors ages 16 to 18 years old who are interested in interning with a Dallas area nonprofit during the Summer of 2020. The Klein Summer Internship Program provides the opportunity for local students to learn about nonprofit agencies through hands-on experience and invaluable training. This program helps teens to actualize the concept of social justice while developing their personal communication and work place skills. Ideally, students will deepen their understanding of the unique needs of the clients served by each organization and learn about the importance of direct service, philanthropy, advocacy, and community organizing as they prepare for future jobs in the nonprofit sector or simply connecting to volunteer opportunities in their future.
Interns will be chosen through a competitive process involving a written application and an in-person interview here at JFS. Then, students will be matched with nonprofit organizations through a mutual selection process. At the end of the summer, each intern will receive a certificate reflecting their participation and the President's Volunteer Service Award for their completion of 180 hours of service to the Dallas community. Often, they will also receive written recommendations from their supervisor and, if appropriate, JFS staff. For more information about what the program entails and program requirements, please visit our website at jfsdallas.org/volunteer/internship.
The deadline for students to apply for the program is Sunday, March 1, 2020. We will be holding student interviews the following week, on Sunday, March 8. On Thursday, March 26 students will have an opportunity to meet with our Host Agencies and select the internships they’re most interested in before being paired in early April.