Local Support
Dallas, Texas
800-TALK-PTA disd@txpta.orgState Support
Austin, Texas
txpta@txpta.orgNational Support
Alexandria, Virginia
Joining PTA means you have a voice at the local, state and national level to advocate for the health, education and well-being of students. Your PTA membership is also your personal commitment to increasing family engagement and helping your child to be successful. Member-driven PTAs work together to make a difference in the areas of advocacy, parent education and family engagement. The “A” in PTA makes a difference!Free Parent Education ProgramsPTAs in Texas have access to free parent education programs through the Ready. Set. Achieve! initiative. Current programs provide families with tips and strategies to address bullying prevention, teen-driver safety, social media and character development.
Family – School – Community Partnerships
Using the National Standards for Family-School Partnerships as a framework for comprehensive and inclusive family engagement, your PTA serves as the common link between parents and the classroom. We all know that a caring parent or mentor can make the difference in the life of a child, and PTA is the first step in supporting student success!
Parent Support
One of the greatest assets of PTA is the vast network of support available to our members and leaders. Whether you’re new to a leadership position and need training or you’re a member who is looking for guidance on how to become more involved and help your campus, PTA offers the unique benefit of support at the local, state and national levels. PTA understands that with all of us working together, we can make every child’s potential a reality.PTOPTO Today helps parent leaders make school leaders great by providing them the resources they need from PTO start up information to school event ideas. PTOs are single-school groups that are independent of the PTA and that operate under their own bylaws and by and large concern themselves with the goings-on at their building or in their town only.
The goal of the Texas Educational Resources page is to provide a central informational source for parents, educators and school officials on an array of issues facing Texas schools. From school fundraising to regional Parent Teacher Organization contacts to classroom initiatives, the online resources below provide additional insight into these issues, as well as many other important concerns facing Texas schools, PTO groups, and other parent organizations.