  • Explore our FREE pathways for High School


  • Welcome Counselors


    On behalf of everyone at Career Institutes, we want to THANK YOU for all you do. We know your job is really important and invaluable for the future of the community. Placing students in the right path makes a difference in their lives and provides a solid foundation for their future careers.

    That is why we decided to try to make things easier for you by creating this mini-site where you can find everything related to Career Institutes in one place.

    Do not hesitate to contact our Career Institutes Counselors for any questions or suggestions you might have.

    CI North

    Dr. Moore

    Ph. 975-502-7005

    CI South (Price)

    Angela Jacobs Butler

    Ph. 972-749-1609

    CI East

    Joselyn Starling

    Ph. 972 794-5621

    Once again, THANK YOU!


    The Career Institutes Team