Multiple Careers Magnet Center
To become a premier program for preparing students with disabilities with the necessary skills to reach their maximum potential which will lead to post-secondary success.
To educate students with disabilities in an age-appropriate environment serving their individual needs through agency connections, community collaboration, career exploration, employment skills, independent living skills, and self-determination skills.
Multiple Careers Magnet Center Cluster Program is a part-time career and technology education opportunity for secondary students with disabilities. Seven pre-employment, three-hour clusters are offered. Each cluster is designed to simulate a work situation as closely as possible. Students progress at their own rate and evaluation is competency-based.Career training is offered in the following clusters:
- Instructional Technology
- Business Technology
- Construction Technology
- Culinary Arts
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Dry Cleaning and Laundry and Child
- Development of Education and Training
Dallas ISD 18+ Transition Program
Designed to assist students with the necessary skills to gain employment and/or attend college. Students must have completed all graduation requirements to apply for this program.
Opportunities for students:
• Transportation/Travel Training
• Paid/Unpaid Internships
• College Cohorts
• Certifications
• Career Development Skills
• On-the-Job Training
• Independent Living Skills
• Post-Secondary Educational/Training
• Recreation/Leisure Activities
• Career Readiness Skills
• Self-Determination Skills
Visit the Multiple Careers Magnet Center website for more information.
Kimberly Wheeler
Multiple Careers Magnet Center