Pre K Registration Process for 2022-2023
1. Parent will need to upload the following document as part of the online application. Please collect these documents and scan or take a picture of them before beginning your application.
- Students birth certificate
-Parent/Guardian photo ID
Required to DETERMINE ELIGIBILITY for free PreK (upload at least one of the following, but you may upload more than one if applicable):
-Proof of income
-SNAP, TANF, or Medicaid benefits letter
-Documentation for foster care
-Documentation of military service
-Documentation of Star of Texas Award
Required BEFORE SCHOOL starts:
-Proof of address
-Immunization records
-Students social security card
2. Parent will complete and submit the online 2022-2023 PreK Registration application.
3. District staff will review the submitted application and will determine eligibility for free PreK.
4. District staff will notify parent of the status of their application.
Please contact the PreK enrollment hotline @ 214-932-7735 if you have questions or need help completing your online registration. The call center is open Monday-Friday 8:00 am -4:00 pm.