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    Learning Model Survey for Parents

    At this time, Dallas ISD will offer parent options of either face-to-face or distance (at-home) learning beginning Oct. 5. Parents must select the learning model for their child. The survey choice is binding through the end of the grading cycle. 

    To take the survey, parents will need the following information:

    • Your child's student ID number
    • Your child’s first and last name as it appears in PowerSchool (Parent Portal)
    • Your child’s date of birth (mm/dd/yyy)
    • Your child’s current grade level
    • Your child’s current school

    Learning Models

    technology Distance (At-Home) Learning 

    How it works

    The district will offer an asynchronous distance learning model that has been approved by the Texas Education Agency. This model allows students at home to take classes online. 

    Attendance will be taken. During the school day teachers will provide direct instruction. Students will also complete assignments and projects independently, at the direction of their teacher. They will have access to recorded lessons, small group virtual tutoring and support, and online materials.



    The model will follow the regular schedule for the elementary distance learning while students at the secondary level will follow their class schedule.


    Parents selecting this option must remain with the distance learning model through the end of a grading cycle. At that time, parents can opt for the on-campus (face-to-face) learning model. Parents must notify their child’s school if they want to change options for the start of the next grading cycle. Parents may continue to participate in the distance learning model until otherwise notified.


    On-Campus (Face-to-Face) Learningin person

    How it works

    Learning happens in a traditional classroom setting five days a week with a teacher on campus using all safety guidelines in place included in the Reentry Parent Playbook.

    Safety first

    For all school levels, safety is a top priority. Because limiting the number of people in the school at one time is a critical factor in controlling the spread of COVID-19, a hybrid attendance schedule may be considered to allow for social distancing. 

    Any school that has more than 60% of the students returning for in-person learning will be considered for implementation of the hybrid attendance schedule OR provide an alternate five-day site. In this case, students will attend school on campus  two or three days a week or attend an alternate five-day option site.  If the hybrid model is selected, then the remaining days of the week students will participate in distance (at-home) learning model. Parents will be notified by school of the option if the hybrid schedule or alternate site will be implemented.


    Parents selecting this option may return to the distance (at-home) learning model at any time during the grading cycle. Parents are required to notify their child’s school if they would like to return to the distance learning model. Once the distance learning model is selected, the student must remain in this model until otherwise notified. 

    Click here to acknowledge that you have read the available learning model options and to take the survey. One survey must be submitted for each child.