The Nurse’s Office
Dear Caregivers of Greiner:
This is a reminder from the Nurse - if your student has any of the symptoms below, they cannot come into the school.
Parents should schedule an appointment with the student's doctor to understand why they are having these symptoms. Documentation will be needed to return to school.
If your child has any of these symptoms while at school, they will be sent home and required to be seen by their doctor.
- Temperature above 100.4
- Sore throat
- New uncontrolled cough
- New onset of severe headache, especially with fever
- Diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, or abdominal pain
- New loss of taste/smell
- Congestion or runny nose
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
If you have any questions, please contact the nurse's office at 972-925-7112
Estimados cuidadores de Greiner:
Este es un recordatorio de la enfermera: si su estudiante tiene alguno de los síntomas a continuación, no puede ingresar a la escuela. Los padres deben programar una cita con el médico del estudiante para comprender por qué tienen estos síntomas. Se necesitará documentación para regresar a la escuela.
Si su hijo/a tiene alguno de estos síntomas mientras está en la escuela, lo enviarán a casa y se le pedirá que lo vea su médico.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la oficina de enfermeras al 972-925-7112
- Temperatura por encima de 100.4
- Dolor de garganta
- Nueva tos incontrolada
- Nueva aparición de dolor de cabeza intenso, especialmente con fiebre
- Diarrea, náuseas / vómitos o dolor abdominal
- Nueva pérdida de gusto / olfato
- Congestión o secreción nasal
- Fatiga
- Dolores musculares o corporales
For students that will be taking medication at school, please fill out the Medication Administration Form (must be signed by the treating physician and caregiver) and submit the form to the Nurse.
For students with food allergies, please fill out the Dietary Request form.
Both can be found online at http://www.dallasisd.org/Page/59216
Please contact Nurse Princess at 972-925-7112 for any questions.