  • Our goal is to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge that will allow them to lead healthy, active lifestyles.  To meet this goal, we teach students developmentally appropriate tasks and sport related activities, which provide the skills foundation for future physical activity.  Along with skills, we instill confidence, a positive sense of self esteem, appreciation of one's own skill level, body awareness and cooperative effort through participation.  We are committed to making physical education fun, so that they will continue to enjoy physical activity as they get older.  


    Why is Physical Education so Important??
    • Helps Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
    • Improves Physical Fitness
    • Creates Stronger Bones
    • Provides Weight Regulation
    • Promotes Health
    • Improves Judgment
    • Implements Self Discipline
    • Creates Skill Development
    • Provides Experince for Setting Goals
    • Improves Self Confidence and Self Esteem
    • Helps Stress Reduction
    • Strengthens Peer Relationships
    • Helps Reduce Risk of Depression
    • Creates a More Active Lifestyle