The Thomas Jefferson Drop in Center needs your help!
The Drop in Center helps supplement meals and provides healthy snacks for families in need.
All non-perishable food donations are welcomed in room B218 Ms. Rivas
Suggested donations: Can Meat (chicken, tuna, etc.), Can Vegetables, Can Fruit, Dried Pasta and Canned Spaghetti Sauce, Small bags of Rice, Can Beans or Small bags of Dried Beans, Can Chili and Soup, Can Ravioli, Box Mac n' Cheese, Peanut Butter, Granola Bars, Chips, Oatmeal, Crackers.
Another easy way to donate is through our Amazon Wish List, which mails directly to TJHS!
You can also make a monetary donation/ Gift Cards to the Drop in Center. This enables our organization to expand to additional families in DISD. The additional funds are also used to purchase uniforms and other vital supplies for students in need.
If you are needing food or resources, fill out google form or contact Ms. Rivas.
Contact: Cecilia Rivas
Temporary location for TJHS:
Thomas Edison Middle School
2940 Singleton Blvd. Dallas TX. 75212