• Interested in Running for Student Senate?

    Acknowledgment and Agreement Form

    So you want to get involved with the student council at your school, but you are not sure where to start? Here is a quick list of tips, to help you decide.

    Always remember, the point of student government is to grow you as a person as you listen and serve your fellow students. #RaiderNationProud

    1. Figure out why you are running.

    This might be the most important step in your student government campaign. Take some time to brainstorm why you are running—is it for a broad purpose, such as to promote a greater sense of unity in your class, or a specific purpose, liking bringing an art club to your school?

    Finding your “why” will play into your campaign slogan and platform, so grab a notebook and start jotting down the reasons why you are running. If you have more than a few, that is great too! Pick the one that’s most important to you to focus on. 

    For a creative way to record your ideas and tasks as you go through the steps of your campaign, try a bullet journal! 

    2. Be genuine in your relationships.

    Knowing why you are running is important, but being an authentic person will be the glue that holds your campaign together. Make sure you are respectful of the other candidates and the faculty organizing the student elections.

    After all, a member of student council has the job of representing his or her fellow students. Value what they have to say and be positive and patient as you wait for election results.

     3. Come up with a campaign slogan.

    Depending on your name or the name of the position you are running for, a rhyme or alliteration may be easy to come by. But chances are that you will have to work a little bit harder to come up with your slogan.

    Slogans are important—you will likely put them on your campaign posters and social media accounts, if you choose to make them. You want to be creative and memorable without making your campaign a joke or offensive.

    Some good examples include “Don’t Be Hesitant! Vote Hailey for President!” and “You Want Something Done? Josh Is the One.”

     4. Talk to your fellow students.

    Do not be afraid to put yourself out there! While you are waiting for class to start, turn to a classmate at the desk beside you and ask him or her, “If you could change one thing about this school, what would it be?”

    Starting a conversation about student elections can be that simple. Remember not to make absurd promises (like free pizza for lunch on Fridays) but to listen and really absorb what issues your classmates care about.

    5. Prepare for your speech.

    The speech that is typically required of student council candidates is what normally makes them the most nervous—but with preparation, you can be ready and do your best.

    Start writing your speech at least a week before you have to deliver it so that you have time for teachers and your parents to proofread it and give suggestions. At least three days before your speech, you should be practicing it in the mirror and in front of family and friends so that you are ready to deliver it in front of an audience.

    On the day of the speech, pick an outfit you feel comfortable with, arrive in the auditorium where you will be speaking early, and remember—your audience is interested in what you have to say. They want to see you succeed.

     Go For It!

    Campaign Rules

    • Candidates may not spend any money on their campaigns. All campaign materials must be digital.
    • All officer candidates will choose a platform (objective) for their campaign.
    • Develop a 45-second campaign speech explaining your platform and why you would make the best officer. You will be giving your speech on the Skynet Speech Announcements.
    • Create a persuasive video
      • No longer than 3 minutes
      • Describe who you are as a person; provide an honest representation of yourself and outline the benefits that you bring to the position (awards, offices held, educational opportunities, community service, etc.)
      • The video will be used in an assignment for English/Social Studies classes for more campaign exposure.
    • Digital poster samples for distribution on social media and the Skyline Website are permitted with pre-approval
      • Any digital campaign material must be submitted to Ms. Shinn or Ms. Mueller via an election folder that will be shared with you
      • Any other ideas for campaign materials must get approval from Ms. Shinn or Ms. Mueller
      • If you see unapproved things circling social media be sure to inform Ms. Shinn ASAP (SShinn@dallasisd.org)
    • All digital campaign material must be school appropriate. If it is not, your media will not be used!
    • No active social gathering or physical interaction may take place during campaigning.


    Stay alert: All social media will be monitored very carefully. Do not allow anyone, friend or not, to post negative things about other candidates or alter other candidates’ posts on social media. Candidates will be warned once about inappropriate behavior and/or actions. After the second occurrence, candidates can be removed from the race. Candidates are expected to keep themselves and their friends in check!