The number of seats available for each magnet program will be identified before the application process begins. Seats will be awarded based on the following formula:

    • 30% of the seats are awarded districtwide by rank-ordering of applicants based on overall criteria score without consideration of feeder pattern or sibling status 
    • 70% of the seats are awarded within the comprehensive high school feeder patterns (adjusted proportionally for student population) by rank-ordering of applicants based on overall criteria score; subject to sibling rule or preference

    Sibling Rule & Sibling Preference shall only be applied to an applicant who meets the criteria with a sibling who attends the same Vanguard, magnet Montessori, or Academy program and who will continue to attend that school the next school year. Siblings are defined as brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, step-brother, or step-sister living, in the same household.

    • Sibling rule shall be applied to the prekindergarten-grade 8 Montessori programs (for more information on sibling rule click here)
    • Sibling preference shall be applied to the Vanguard programs for grades 4-5, and grades 6-8 for Academies (for more information on sibling preference click here)

    Qualified applicants who are not selected due to limited space will be placed on a rank-ordered waiting list. The wait list will remain active until the end of Dallas ISD's first grading period and student vacancies will be filled until that time.


    Dallas ISD Policy EHBJ (LOCAL): For each magnet program, all qualified in-district students shall be served before any out-of-district student may gain admission into that magnet program. Proof of residence must be submitted each year.

    Falsifying information on the Magnet application will invalidate the application, and the student's application will be excluded from the selection process. The Dallas Independent School District reserves the right to change a student's enrollment status, placement and/or programming upon receipt of additional information.