Dallas ISD offers free, scholarship, and tuition-based Pre-K. Click below for more information.
TEA Pre-K Eligibility
Free Pre-K Eligibility
When the Texas legislature established the Pre-K program the intent was, and still is, to provide early learning experiences to students who are most at-risk. Therefore, the eligibility is limited.
A child is eligible for free Pre-K if the child is 3-years-old or is 4-years-old on or before September 1st and meets at least one of the following eligibility requirements:
- is educationally disadvantaged (which means a student eligible to participate in the national free or reduced lunch program), including students who receive SNAP, TANF, or Medicaid benefits; or
- is unable to speak and comprehend the English language (based on preLAS score); or
- is homeless; or
- is or ever has been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (foster care); or
- is the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States or is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States who was injured or killed while serving on active duty; or
- is the child of a recipient of the Star of Texas Award
Dallas ISD Pre-K Scholarship Eligibility
Dallas ISD Pre-K Scholarship Eligibility
A child is eligible for the Dallas ISD Pre-K Scholarship if the child is 3-years-old or is 4-years-old on or before September 1st and does not meet eligibility criteria for free Pre-K but meets at least one of the following:
- Student group with historical academic needs as identified in district data (currently identified as African American students)
- Expanded income
- Native English speaker unable to speak or comprehend the English language. Parents may request their child be evaluated for English proficiency (preLAS).
Tuition Pre-K Eligibility
Tuition Pre-K Eligibility
A child is eligible for tuition Pre-K if the child is 3-years-old or is 4-years-old on or before September 1st and does not meet eligibility criteria for free Pre-K or for the Dallas ISD Pre-K Scholarship.