• Bryan Adams High School Club

BA Building


    • The first meeting of the new school year will be held on August 23. We will hold officer elections and plan our first fundraiser of the year. 
    Comments (-1)
    • Membership Dues must be paid to Mrs. Sponsor-Lady by August 31 in order for you to get your t-shirt in the first order.
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  • Meeting Times & Location

    We meet every Wednesday from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM in Room 120.


    Mission, Vision, Goals:

    It is the mission of the Bryan Adams High School Club to provide students with opportunities to develop leadership skills while buiding strong community relationships and performing community service.

    This year, our goal is to complete two separate campus service projects including the beautification of the courtyard and the addition of a spirit mural to one of the academic hallways.

  • TBD

  • Sponsor

    Super Sponsor


    Room #



     Student Name

    Vice President:

     Student Name


    Student Name 


     Student Name 


    Must be a current student of BA.

    25 community service hours per semester

    Membership Dues: $25

    Includes t-shirt 

    More Info

    Students must maintain a GPA of 2.7 to be considered active and in good standing.

    Visit our website for more info.