Site-Based Decision Making Committee serves as an advisory council to the principal.   The SBDM committee comprises the campus principal, teachers, school staff, parents, business and community representatives.  

    The SBDM meets and discusses school-related issues, activities, and initiatives. Recommendations and suggestions made by the committee should align with the campus improvement plan and promote student achievement. 

    The following five areas serve as the primary function of the SBDM. 

    • Goal Setting  

    • Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment  

    • Budgeting  

    • Staffing Patterns  

    • School Organization  

    As school-related issues occur or school activities and initiatives evolve, the SBDM committee may authorize a sub-committee to resolve the issue or implement the activity and initiative.  

    If you want to volunteer to be on the SBDM committee please contact community liaison, Melissa Martinez for details at mmartine@dallasisd.org or call 972-502-5902.