Our Mission

  • Our mission at Arthur Kramer IB World School is to develop self-reliant, motivated learners through inquiry-based instruction and student agency.

    As a learning community, we strive to ensure that students are equipped with the resources they need to successfully compete in a 21st century community so that they are prepared to change the world for the better.


  • Arthur Kramer IB World School seeks to inspire all students to become critical thinkers and global citizens so that they may positively contribute to the community around them.


    • Agency
    • Collaboration
    • Respect
    • Globally Minded
    • Life Long Learning

Core Beliefs

    • We believe in a community that is dedicated to collaboration rooted in respect and accountability.


    • We commit to continued self growth and discovery through lifelong learning to benefit the students we serve.


    • We affirm that there is no room in education for unchecked biases therefore, we act as the catalyst for change to create a safe atmosphere of inclusiveness so that all children can reach their highest potential.


    • We recognize and honor the unique attributes that contribute to a students perception of the world around them and seek to cultivate their ideals through the implementation of the IB Primary Years Programme.