This page serves as a place to supply parents/guardians with information about HB 1416 and provide resources necessary to aid in student success.
From Texas Education Agency:
Concern for Educators and Families: Texas students have experienced academic growth post-Covid but learning acceleration is still critically needed, particularly in Math. On the 2022 STAAR, only 52% of students met grade level expectations in Reading Language Arts while only 40% of students met grade level in Math¹.
Opportunity: Evidence suggests that high impact tutoring can have a significant impact on outcomes for students.
Accelerated Instruction Requirements: Texas law requires all students who do not achieve approaches or higher on STAAR grades 3–8 or EOC assessments be provided accelerated instruction. These requirements, modified by House Bill 4545 from the 87th legislature and recently updated with the passage of House Bill 1416...
¹ Includes STAAR 3-8 Reading, English I and English II EOC Assessments.
Waiver Ratio Information
Please use the QR code or use the link below to complete a waiver to give Dallas ISD permission to serve your child in a larger tutoring group (larger groups will still receive high quality tutoring).
Tutoring Ratio Waiver: http://records.www.dallasisd.org/Forms/TutoringRatioWaiver