• Dallas ISD Comprehensive Safety Plan

  • Parents and Community

    Parent involvement

    Dallas ISD will establish a Parent School Safety Committee to generate additional ideas to improve safety on campus. This group will enhance the work of the district’s School Safety and Security Committee, which meets quarterly and includes parents. Each school is expected to have a parent safety committee that meets regularly.

    The district’s School Safety and Security Committee will meet before the start of the school year to review emergency operations plans and address campus safety needs, including the active threat plan. The committee will continue to meet quarterly.

    Anonymous reporting system

    Parents are often the first line of defense when it comes to school safety. Dallas ISD has two programs available for parents and the community to report potential threats to school safety. Campus Crime Stoppers offers rewards for reporting criminal and code of conduct violations and is a partnership between the Dallas ISD Police Department and the North Texas Crime Commission. For information on how to make anonymous reports to Campus Crime Stoppers, visit https://www.dallasisd.org/crimestoppers.

    Be SMART for kids

    Because 4.6 million children live in homes with guns that are both loaded and unlocked, school safety begins at home. The Be SMART campaign was launched to raise awareness that secure gun storage—storing guns locked, unloaded and separate from ammunition—can save children’s lives. Be SMART emphasizes that it’s an adult responsibility to keep kids from accessing guns, and that every adult can play a role in keeping kids and communities safer.

    With more guns in more homes due to an unprecedented surge in gun sales over the past two years, it’s more important than ever for parents and caregivers to know how secure storage protects children. Storing firearms securely can help prevent tragedies and keep kids safe. Dallas ISD will work with parents to offer information and training on how to properly and safely store firearms.

    Mental health and well-being

    The district’s Youth and Family Centers offer care and resources for students and their families, including mental health services from a team of licensed clinicians and psychiatrists. The district believes that by addressing the mental, behavioral, and physical health issues that a child may experience, learning will be improved. The centers offer a range of services to promote the wellness of students and families and improve access to health care and education. Services available include individual, family and group counseling, psychiatrist consultations, medication management, and parent education and workshops. To schedule an appointment or find more information, please find your local MHS Youth and Family Center.