TEA Documentation
Benchmark 1: School Design
- Mentor Induction Plan
- Annual training or professional development plan with P-TECH/ICIA and IHE Faculty
- Professional Development Plan
Benchmark 2: Target Population- Hillcrest E-TECH Admission Policy
- Application - English / Application - Spanish
- Recruitment Timeline
- Brochure - English / Brochure - Spanish
- Written communication plan for targeting identified audiences, parents, community members, school board, higher education personnel, etc.
Benchmark 3: Strategic Alliances
- Steering Committee Meetings
- Final, signed and executed MOU with Industry partner/business
- Final, signed, and executed articulation agreement with IHE
- List of strategic partners with each member's org, title & role
Benchmark 4: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- Four-year crosswalk documents
- Master Schedule
- Curriculum alignment documents
- Testing Calendar and Schedule for TSI, ACT, SAT and other Assessments
- Documentation detailing a minimum of three course of study examples that outline student pathways from high school, to associate degree
Benchmark 5: Work-Based Learning
- Documentation of appropriate work-based learning experiences for students at all grade levels
- Current dated regional high demand occupation list
- Aggregate data describing student participation in work-based learning experiences
- Sample artifact of Student Semester-Long Project with Industry Partner
Benchmark 6: Student Support