Prescription Medication on Campus
    Students who require prescription medication at school need a parent or guardian to complete an H-72 Form. This form requires physician orders, a signature, and a parent's signature. Medication is securely stored in the clinic and is available to students according to the physician’s orders. The form is available in the clinic or on the link above.

    Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medication on Campus
    The school nurse is allowed to give Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and aloe vera gel to students who have written and verbal consent from a parent or guardian. Please download the OTC Medication Form from the website and submit it to the clinic staff. (Spanish OTC Medication Form)

    Pre-Approved Medications Available for Administration
    ○ Tylenol (acetaminophen) may be given for fever of 101°F or greater.
    ○ Ibuprofen may be given for menstrual cramps or sports related injuries (middle school only) 
    ○ Aloe Vera gel may be applied for dry skin, itchy skin without drainage, or sunburns. *Tylenol and Ibuprofen are NOT given for headaches or migraines.*

    If your child gets headaches and/or migraines frequently, please complete an H-72 Form with doctor’s orders for medication as needed for headaches. This includes Tylenol,Ibuprofen, and any over-the-counter medications.

    Guidelines on Administering Over-The-Counter Medications
    ❖ Written and verbal consent from a parent or guardian is required for the school nurse to administer pre-approved OTC medications.
    ❖ Pre-Approved OTC medication will not be administered more than once a day, for more than 3 consecutive weeks, or more than 3 times in a month
    ❖ Students may be sent home if they have a fever in accordance with state law and board policy
    ❖ OTC medications cannot be administered to pregnant or breast-feeding students.

    Once the OTC Medication consent form is complete, you may send the physical copy to school with your student or upload it to this Google form.

  • Information taken from Dallas Independent School District Safety Protocols that can be found at www.dallasisd.org.