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Game Design

Game Design & eSports

[Information technology Cluster]

The Game Design & eSports program will introduce students to the programming and design skills required to create fully functional video games.  Students will learn the process of developing a game from start to finish.  Students will use computer programming, 2D and 3D polygon modeling, and apply textures and materials to prepare for a career in the game design industry.

Offered at

Career Institute North

Offered at

Career Institute South

Students attending: Conrad HS, Hillcrest HS, North Dallas HS, Thomas Jefferson HS, W. T. White HS, must sign up for CI North.

Students attending: Adamson HS, Carter HS, Kimball HS, Molina HS, Pinkston HS, Roosevelt HS, South Oakcliff HS, Sunset HS, must sign up for CI South.