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How will campuses be categorized under the LAS?

Local Accountability System for Campus Success

Based on these six measures, the district will evaluate and categorize campuses based on their overall performance. The five categories are:

Accomplished schools are high performing in terms of academic growth, have strong systems and structures that support learning and high levels of parent and staff satisfaction.

Breakthrough schools are doing well on many measures and also have some areas for improvement to take performance to the next level.

Competing schools have noticeable strengths, but have areas requiring improvement.

Developing schools have some strengths, but also have multiple areas requiring improvement. These schools
will receive increased district support.

Focus schools are performing significantly below expectations and require substantial district support.

How is a specific school doing based on multiple measures?
How is a specific school doing based on multiple measures
Are all students making academic progress?
Are all students making academic progress?
Is the school culture and climate strong and healthy?
Is the school culture and climate strong and healthy?