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Student Outcome Goals
Student Outcome Goal 1
Student achievement on state assessments in all subjects in Domain 1 will increase from 46 to 58 by June 2025.
Student Outcome Goal 2
Student achievement on the third-grade state assessment in reading at the Meets performance level or above will increase from 40.2% to 56.0% by June 2025.
Student Outcome Goal 3
Student achievement on the third-grade state assessment in mathematics at the Meets performance level or above will increase from 42.3% to 56.0% by June 2025.
Student Outcome Goal 4
Middle-grade (grades 6-8) student achievement on state assessments in all subjects in Domain 1 will increase from 40 to 50 by June 2025.
Student Outcome Goal 5
The percent of graduates who are college, career, or military ready (CCMR) from Domain 1 will increase from 42.0% to 67.0% by June 2025.