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Ignacio Zaragoza Elementary School

Ignacio Zaragoza Elementary School
Launched 3rd-4th grade pilot in 2015-16 and school-wide in 2016-17


Quick Facts

Principal: Linda Olivarez,
Assistant Principal: Maria Nava, 
PL Quarterback: Jay Morales,

What We Do:
Value and empower every student, every day, to become lifelong learners and to pursue their own paths to success.


​How We Do It:

Our mission is to provide a safe and welcoming learning environment through inspiring relationships. We strive to facilitate learning by identifying the needs of each student and providing them with relevant experiences to ensure equitable student achievement. Our focus is filtered through the lens of personalized learning as we support the campus vision and the priorities, the PL classroom, curriculum and instruction, and a culture of innovation. A team of dedicated professionals work to support the faculty and promote implementation of effective strategies with the end goal of supporting student achievement.

Key Components of Our Personalized Learning Model:
  • Blended Learning through station rotation model
  • Weekly goal-setting meetings with students
  • Data trackers on the wall and student portfolios for goal setting
  • Playlist and choice board implementation
  • Pre Assessments

Proudest Accomplishments:
✓ Growth of 17 percentage points on the Reading STAAR since the launch of Personalized Learning (growth 3x higher than the district rate)
✓ STAAR Postsecondary Readiness score 267% above target in 2016-17
✓ STAAR Student Progress score 106% above target in 2016-17
✓ Earned 4 state distinctions in 2017: Academic Achievements in English Language Arts and Reading, Academic Achievement in Mathematics, Top 25% student progress, Top 25% Closing Performance Gaps
✓ 98% positive response rate to a key staff survey question, “The key actions my school is working on this year are focused on what is best for students.”