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District 2
Elected as the District 2 representative to the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees in June 2023, Sarah is a proud product of Texas public schools and has long been an education advocate. In addition to grassroots volunteer roles, she has served in numerous governance positions for nonprofit organizations. Her breadth of experience reveals a focus on education, including serving children from all socioeconomic backgrounds.
District 2 Schools/ Escuelas del Distrito 2
Elementary Schools/Primarias
- Geneva Heights
- Arthur Kramer
- Lakewood
- William Lipscomb
- Ben Milam
- Mockingbird
- John J. Pershing
- K.B. Polk
- Preston Hollow
- Dan D. Rogers
- Sudie Williams TAG Academy
Middle Schools/Secundarias
- Benjamin Franklin International Exploratory Academy
- J.L. Long
- Henry W. Longfellow Career Exploration Academy
Multi-Level Schools/Escuelas Multinivel
- Dallas Hybrid Preparatory at Stephen J. Hay
- George Bannerman Dealey International Academy
High Schools/Preparatorias
- Hillcrest
- Woodrow Wilson