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Redistricting Essentials
Following a comprehensive public engagement process, the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees approved a new voting map for the first time in a decade.
Every 10 years, Dallas ISD participates in redistricting to better ensure appropriate representation based on the shifts in population trends. Redistricting is the process by which the boundaries of the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees Single Member Districts (SMDs) are periodically redrawn in response to changes in population as measured by the decennial federal census.
Nine criteria adopted by the board were used to draw the new map, including but not limited to maintaining communities of interest such as neighborhoods, observing geographic boundaries when possible and adopting SMDs of substantially equal size.
Leading up to the map’s adoption, trustees held over 35 community meetings and the district hosted two TeleTown Halls. Twice community members were invited to take a survey and provide feedback through an interactive map.
The new map will be used during next May’s trustee elections.
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