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Progress Tracker Texas Framework - Accountability
Accountability 1
The Board invests at least half of its time focusing on its vision and student outcome goals
Not Meet Focus |
0 | Focus |
1 | Focus |
4 | Focus |
12 | Focus |
15 |
The Board does not meet
focus if any of the following
conditions are true:
The Board does not have student outcome goals, GPMs, constraints, CPMs, or annual targets. The Board does not have a monitoring calendar (a Board-adopted multi-year schedule that describes the months during which student outcome goals, constraints, and progress measures are reported to the Board). The Board does not track its use of time in Board-authorized public meetings (any non-privileged meeting authorized by the Board or Board president including, but not limited to, Board workshops, Board hearings, Board committees. Some statutorily required hearings are exempted from this definition). |
The Board begins to focus
if all of the following
conditions are true:
The Board has a Board-adopted monitoring calendar. The Board has received a monitoring report (a report that evidences to the Board whether or not reality matches the adopted student outcome goals, constraints, and progress measures). A monitoring report must contain 1) the goal/constraint being monitored, 2) the measures showing the previous three reporting periods, the current reporting period, and the annual and deadline targets, 3) the Superintendent's evaluation of performance (compliant, partially compliant, noncompliant), and 4) supporting documentation that evidences the evaluation and describes any needed next steps. |
And... The Superintendent owned the monitoring calendar development process while working collaboratively with the Board. The Board's monitoring calendar spans no fewer than 18 months. The recommended span is 24-36 months. Of the total minutes spent in Board-authorized public meetings, no fewer than 25% are invested in either setting student outcomes goals and constraints, or progress monitoring (a process that includes the Board receiving monitoring reports on the timeline indicated by the monitoring calendar, discussing them, and voting to accept or not accept them). |
And... Of the total minutes spent in Board-authorized public meetings, no fewer than 25% are invested specifically in progress monitoring the Board's student outcome goals. No more than two student outcome goals are monitored per month. Every student outcome goal is monitored at least four times per year. Every constraint is monitored at least once per year. |
And... Of the total minutes spent in Board-authorized public meetings, no fewer than 50% are invested in progress monitoring the Board's student outcome goals. The Board's monitoring calendar spans across the Board's student outcome goals' 3 to 5 year deadlines. The student outcome goals, constraints, and annual targets have not been changed since the monitoring calendar was adopted unless 1) 24 months has passed, or 2) the goal/ constraint has been met -- whichever is longer. |
Accountability 2
The Board measures and communicates, but does not interfere in, progress toward the vision and student outcome goals
Not Meet Focus |
0 | Focus |
.5 | Focus |
1 | Focus |
4 | Focus |
5 |
The Board does not meet
focus if any of the following
conditions are true:
Any individual Trustee does not know whether or not the District is in low performing status and, if it is, for how long. Any individual Trustee does not know whether or not there are low performing campuses and, if there are, how many. The Board does not schedule each student outcome goal to be progress monitored at least four times per year on its monitoring calendar. The Board does not schedule each constraint to be progress monitored at least once per year on its monitoring calendar. |
The Board begins to focus
if all of the following
conditions are true:
The Board has been provided copies of – but did not vote to approve / disapprove – the Superintendent's plan(s) for implementing the Board's student outcome goals and ensured that the plan included both an implementation timeline and implementation integrity measures. The most recent Board self-evaluation took place no more than 12 months ago using this instrument or a research-aligned instrument. The most recent Superintendent evaluation took place no more than 12 months ago. The most recent Board self-evaluation took place no more than 45 days prior to the most recent Superintendent evaluation. |
And... The most recent Board self-evaluation evaluated the Board in part based on the results of student outcome goals. The most recent Superintendent evaluation evaluated the Superintendent in part based on the results of student outcome goals. All Trustees have completed a training that covered the state's accountability system and agree that they understand the system. The Board tracks the average quarterly cost of staff time spent on governance. This includes the time of any staff members spent preparing for, attending, and debriefing after meetings. This includes all Board-authorized public meetings as well as all closed sessions and all hearings. |
And... The Superintendent is evaluated on only the Board-adopted student outcome goals and constraints, using data reported as scheduled via the Board's monitoring calendar. The Board considers Superintendent performance as indistinguishable from District performance. The Board created a self-constraint concerning the cost of staff time spent on governance. |
And... The Board self-evaluates using this implementation integrity instrument quarterly. The Board modifies its student outcome goals, GPMs, constraints, CPMs, and monitoring calendar no more than once during any 12 month period. The recommended minimum amount of time between modifications is 24-36 months. |