description here
Progress Tracker Texas Framework - Advocacy
The Board promotes the vision
Not Meet Focus |
0 | Focus |
1 | Focus |
3 | Focus |
9 | Focus |
10 |
The Board does not meet
focus if any of the following
conditions are true:
The Board has not arranged for any community engagement activities during the previous 12 month period beyond public comments during regularly scheduled Board meetings and/ or statutorily required hearings. |
The Board begins to focus
if all of the following
conditions are true:
The Board has a two-way communication system in place for, at least once per year, listening for and discussing the vision and values of its students. The Board has a two-way communication system in place for, at least once per year, listening for and discussing the vision and values of its families, staff, and community members. |
And... The Board has hosted a
community meeting to
discuss progress toward
student outcome goals
at each feeder pattern
with low performing
campuses during the
previous 12 month
period. The Board has provided time during regularly scheduled Boardauthorized public meetings to recognize the accomplishments of its students and staff regarding progress on student outcome goals. |
And... The Board has hosted
and the Trustees have
led or co-led at least
one training on Lone
Star Governance for
its community during
the pervious 6 month
period. The Board has displayed and keeps updated the status and targets of all student outcome goals, GPMs, constraints, and CPMs permanently and publicly in the room in which the Board most frequently holds regularly scheduled Board meetings. |
And... Trustees included students in at least one of the Lone Star Governance trainings during the previous 12 month period. Prior to being elected, all newly elected Trustees received training on Lone Star Governance from fellow Trustees on their Board or from a TEA-certified Lone Star Governance facilitator. |