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Recruiter's Corner

Dallas ISD Human Capital Management

Field Experiences at Dallas ISD

Student Teaching Field Experiences

  • Dallas ISD creates a welcoming and supportive environment for future teachers to grow professionally and to be prepared for their teaching experience. We fulfill this mission by offering our best teachers as mentors, hosting career workshops to prepare future teachers for interviews, and providing support for future educators to navigate the district. Over 70% of clinical teachers were able to secure a full-time teaching position at Dallas ISD at the conclusion of their clinical teaching experience.

    Student Teaching vs Clinical Teaching

    A Student Observer is a university or Education Preparation Program (EPP) student who is early in their program and needs a fixed number of student observation hours, often with several different teachers across grade levels or even content areas. They are not there to actively teach or co-teach a class.

    A Clinical Teacher is a university or EPP student who has completed most of their coursework for education and is in the final stage before graduation/completion of their program. Many clinical teachers have already taken and passed their designated content area exams. These students are actively teaching or co-teaching in the same classroom for a full day at least once if not 5 days each week. 

Clinical Teaching

  • Become a Clinical Teacher at Dallas ISD!

    Dallas ISD is happy to welcome students beginning their clinical teaching internships! A clinical teacher must have a sponsoring agent, i.e., a formal request from their university or EPP for their clinical teacher, and are placed directly by DISD’s Student Teacher coordinator.

    Clinical Teaching Process: 

    1. Share a list of prospective student teachers with content areas via email to
    2. Ensure that all student teachers seeking placement in Dallas ISD complete the Student Teaching- Spring 2024 Application & Clinical Teaching Spring 2024 Pre-Placement Survey
    3. All student teachers will need to complete a background check. (This includes fingerprinting). 
    4. Student-Teachers Coordinators will share all finalized placement requests with EPP's. 


Student Observation

  • Become a Student Observer at Dallas ISD! 

    Dallas ISD welcomes students needing classroom observation hours for their educational preparation programs. Students can choose from over 230 schools with unique programming to fit their professional growth as a future educator.

    Student Observations Process:

      1. Prospective student observers must complete a VOLY ApplicationThis is the background check system used by all Dallas ISD volunteers.
      2. Once your application is submitted, wait 24-72 hours to receive your application approval.  
      3. Complete Dallas ISD Student Observer Request Survey 
      4. Upon application approval and survey completion, you are now eligible to reach out to Dallas ISD campuses and teachers to request student observation hours. *
      5. Ensure to include Student-Teacher-Coordinators in all email communication to campus leadership and staff. Use
      6. Upon approval from campus leadership, create a schedule with the designated mentor teacher, and you may begin your observation. 

    *Student observers are responsible for contacting campuses and coordinating observation times with the cooperating teachers and administration. Please note that the observation of teachers is subject to change and requires permission from teachers and administration for each campus. You must confirm observations with campus leadership, before arriving at their campus.

Helpful Resources for Student Teachers


If you have questions or would like to learn more, contact the Student Teacher Coordinators, at