Q: How do I know if Dallas ISD Accounts Payable received my invoice?
A: If we have received your invoice, you will be able to see the invoice when you search in the iSupplier portal.
- iSupplier: Available immediately.
- XML upload: Available immediately
- Email Submission: 3-10 business days (Observe holidays and school breaks)
- Paper Submission: 3-10 business days (Observe holidays and school breaks)
Q: I don't have a purchase order number. What do I do?
A: Invoices that do not include the purchase order number will not be processed. If you don't have one, complete one or all of the following.
- Search in the iSupplier portal to see if a purchase order has been issued for this order.
- If you know that it hasn't been issued, you should reach out to the Dallas ISD staff member who requested the order.
- If something is amiss and you have a number, call/email the Procurement buyer or the main Procurement phone number for assistance: 972-925-4100.
Q: Why haven't I received payment for an invoice?
A: If a payment has not been received, one or more of the following has occurred.
- The Dallas ISD Accounts Payable team has not received the invoice because it was not sent using one of the submission methods.
- The invoice did not contain a purchase order number.
- The invoice number is a duplicate.
- The receiver has not been completed.
- There is a payment hold on the invoice for extenuating circumstances.
- Wells Fargo credit card payment method: make sure to follow the instructions in the Wells Fargo email.
EmailAPCustomerCare@dallasisd.org for status update.