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Intern Central


Dallas ISD ACP


Intern Central


If you wish to resign from the Dallas ISD Alternative Certification Program, please complete the steps below.

  1. Complete the Resignation form
  2. Complete S54
  3. Notify your principal and field facilitator


A complaint is a written claim that an organization does not follow school laws or rules that are under TEA’s jurisdiction. If you have a complaint against Dallas ISD ACP, please complete the complaint form below.

Dallas ISD ACP Complaint Form

Please note that the Texas Education Agency (TEA) has a formal complaint process for candidates in educator preparation programs. You may submit a complaint to the Texas Education Agency by fax (512-475-3665), e-mail ( For more information please find the link below.

TEA Complaints Management

Program Performance

The Dallas ISD Alternative Certification Program has a reputation of teacher preparation excellence, for historical information on our program performance and supply/demand forces on the educator workforce in Texas find the links below.

Dallas ISD AC Program Accountability Report

Educator Workforce Statistics


Dallas ISD Alternative Certification Exit Policies 

Candidates who are admitted to the Dallas ISD Alternative Certification Program are expected to demonstrate and specified non-academic standards that are necessary to be competent teachers. The intent is to ensure that the candidates recommended for teacher certification can effectively and independently carry out the duties for which they are being prepared. We will hold you to your signed agreements and program policies. You will be placed on probation or asked to leave the Dallas ISD Alternative Certification Program based on, but not limited to, the reasons listed below. 

Reason for Discipline or Dismissal

  • Failure to abide by the Texas Educator's Code of Ethics
  • Poor attendance (classes, field experience, internship, etc.)
  • Incomplete or unsatisfactory coursework
  • Failure to complete 30 clock hours of field-based experiences on time  
  • Unsatisfactory progress toward completion of the program
  • Failure to meet internship requirements
  • Failure to pass TExES examination
  • Falsification of application or program information
  • Failure to disclose criminal activity
  • If a candidate resigns from the program or is released by the program, the following must be completed within 5 working days.
    • In the event of resignation from the program, written notice to the program coordinator or to the admission officer if required
    • In the event of release by the program, the program will send an official letter to the candidate stating the reason for release