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Kroger Purchasing Procedures
Kroger Shopping Procedures
Dallas ISD has entered an agreement with Kroger which allows Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness and Culinary Arts programs to purchase ingredients from local Kroger stores using school purchase orders. It is imperative that teachers and office managers follow the process outlined below exactly to ensure that the relationship between Dallas ISD and Kroger continues in the future.
- Attend one of the Mandatory Professional Development (PD) sessions listed at end of this document.
- If BOTH teacher and Office/Financial Manager (person in your school responsible for processing purchase requisitions and payments) do not attend one of the PD Sessions “Kroger Procedures MANDATORY for Culinary/Nutrition Teachers and Office Managers,” you will not be allowed to shop at Kroger.
- After both teacher and Office/Financial Manager have attended PD, make arrangements through office/financial manager to secure an Open PO (Purchase Order) for Kroger. With this PO, you should be able to shop at any Kroger.
- Please DO NOT SHOP until you have received a current Open PO from your Office /Financial Manager. Doing so will result in an unauthorized purchase which has to go before the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees for approval.
- Please DO NOT SHOP if you do NOT have enough funds on your existing PO to cover the cost of the items you need to purchase. Instead, request that your Office /Financial Manager add more funds to your existing PO. Wait to shop until you are notified that these funds have been added. See note above regarding unauthorized purchase.
- Please refer any issues you encounter at Kroger to Shelia Benskin at 972 925-8854 or, Make sure you include the Store Number and street address of the Kroger.
TEACHER INSTRUCTIONS: How to Shop with Kroger Purchase Order (PO):
- If you do not attend one of the Mandatory Professional Development Sessions, you will not be allowed to shop at Kroger.
- Complete all fields (type this info) of the Dallas ISD Kroger Purchase Form for Culinary Supplies except for Date of Purchase, Kroger Invoice #, Kroger Invoice/Cash Register Receipt amount and Purchasing Teacher Signature.
- The Date of Purchase, Kroger Invoice #, Kroger Invoice/Cash Register Receipt amount and Purchasing Teacher Signature will be completed after you make the purchase. When filling in this information, please WRITE LEGIBLY.
- You (or your Office/Financial Manager) will receive the PO#. Please retain this PO# and TYPE it on the Dallas ISD Kroger Purchase Forms for Culinary Supplies.
- Once you have pre-populated information on the Dallas ISD Kroger Purchase Form for Culinary Supplies, obtain a copy of your Tax Exempt form from your office manager and copy it on the back. Make several (front & back) copies of this form and place these in a file that you keep in your car so they will be handy when you need to shop.
- The authorized District Culinary Arts shopper (that’s you) will need to go to Kroger Customer Service with Dallas ISD Purchase Order (PO)# on hand and the above completed Dallas ISD Kroger Purchase Form for Culinary Supplies. (Each time you shop you will need to do this).
- Kroger Customer Service will give you a charge slip to fill out.
- Fill out the charge slip. WRITE LEGIBLY.
- You will need the account/customer number which is R50049. (This is already pre-recorded in the appropriate field on the Dallas ISD Kroger Purchase Form for Culinary Supplies.
- On the Kroger charge slip, legibly write the correct Purchase Order number, SCHOOL NAME (not yours and not Dallas ISD) in the “Account Name” field, and sign the form. Legibly write school address in space provided for Street Address.
- Take Kroger charge slip, Dallas ISD Kroger Purchase Form for Culinary Supplies with the correct Dallas ISD Purchase Order (PO)# with you and give it to cashier when checking out. Please make sure this PO number is correct and legible on ALL necessary documents
- TELL CASHIER THAT IT IS A TAX EXEMPT SALE. (See note in previous steps outlined above).
- Check to make sure no taxes are charged. If taxes are charged, have this corrected before you leave the store.
- Check to make sure that the Cash Register Receipt and the Kroger Invoice match. If they do not, have this corrected before you leave the store.
- Fill in the Kroger Invoice # and Kroger Receipt Amount on the Dallas ISD Kroger Purchase Form for Culinary Supplies. Leave this form with Dallas ISD PO# clearly printed with the cashier and have him/her staple to the charge slip that they will be keeping for their records.
- The cashier will give you, the shopper, a copy of the charge slip and the cash register receipt. Ask for a duplicate register receipt. (This will save you copying later).
- Legibly write your school name, teacher name, the Dallas PO# and the Kroger Invoice # across the top of the Kroger cash register receipt. If the writing on the copy of the invoice is not readable because it is too light, have Kroger write over this to darken the information.
- Within two (2) days of purchasing supplies from Kroger, turn in charge slip and cash register receipt to your Office/Financial Manager at the school to process payment to Kroger.
- Keep a copy of all receipts/invoices in a file in date order. Keep this file (or an exact copy of it) at school so that it is easily accessible.
- Update your Kroger Budget Tracking Sheet Google Form with the Date of Purchase, Vendor (i.e. Kroger), PO Number, Invoice Number, Invoice Amount and Date Receipt Given to Office/Financial Manager for Processing. Please note: You each were sent the Kroger Budget Tracking Sheet as a Google Form. If you have not received this, please contact
- Teachers will update all items highlighted in yellow on the Kroger Budget Tracking Sheet Google Form and Office/Financial Managers will update all items highlighted in green.
- By the 15th of each month, the Kroger Budget Tracking Sheet Google Form should be up-to-date with ALL purchases made up to that timeframe.
- Shelia will visit you throughout the school year to ensure all documents have been processed appropriately.
- Maintain a file with your monthly tracking sheets with receipts/invoices for that month attached. Keep this file (or an exact copy of it) at school so that it is easily accessible.
- Failure to adhere to this process will result in your shopping privileges being revoked.
OFFICE/FINANCIAL MANAGER INSTRUCTIONS: How to Process Invoices/Receipts for Kroger Purchases:
- Attend one of the Mandatory Professional Development sessions listed at the end of this document. If you did not attend one of the Mandatory Professional Development Sessions, the culinary/nutrition program on your campus will NOT be allowed to shop at Kroger.
- Once you receive Kroger invoice and cash register receipt from teacher, legibly write your school name, teacher name and the Dallas ISD PO # across the top of the receipt/invoice (if this has not already been recorded by the teacher). Please make sure that this information is LEGIBLY written on ALL documents sent to Accounting. Each separate page that is scanned to Accounting should contain this information.
- Sign into Oracle iProcurement and find the PO #. Do a receiver for each of the receipts/invoices. Legibly write the Dallas ISD Receiver# from Oracle across the top of the invoice and cash register receipt. Write Dallas ISD Receiver # on each separate page sent to Accounting.
- Make sure the first sheet scanned to Accounting is the Kroger INVOICE that contains readable PO#, Invoice #, School Name, Amount and Dallas ISD Receiver #- (This is NEW! and due to new LaserFiche System)
- Scan a copy of the receipt(s)/invoice(s) to Accounting in email at with a copy to the teacher and to Please make sure you are sending the PDF with the Receipt/Invoice to Accounting. Thus, please do not forward the initial email you receive once you scan. Click on the attachment in that email and forward the attachment to Accounting with a copy to me. DO NOT SEND THESE RECEIPTS/INVOICES TO ACCOUNTING VIA SCHOOL MAIL. SCAN AND SEND IN EMAIL INSTEAD!
- In the “Subject” line of the email to Accounting, please put your school’s name, Kroger Invoice number, Invoice Amount, PO#, Dallas ISD Receiver #
- Example: Kimball Kroger Inv # 10789, $22.33, PO#667789, Receiver#992113
- Note: Please DO NOT SEND multiple invoices in one email. This confuses Accounting which leads to none of the invoices getting paid. In other words,
- each Kroger invoice should be sent in a separate email to Accounting.
- Retain copies of the receipts/invoices in date order in a separate file labeled “Kroger Culinary Receipts/Invoices 2017-2018.”
- Update the Kroger Budget Tracking Sheet Google Form with the Dallas ISD Receiver #,Date processed in Oracle and Date Invoice/Receipt Emailed to Accounting for each Remember each invoice/cash register receipt needs to be in a SEPARATE email.
- Processing of Kroger Invoices to Accounting should be completed within 4 days of receiving them from the teacher.
- Two weeks after sending invoices for payment to Accounting, check Oracle for payment number and amount. Update requested payment information on the Kroger Budget Tracking Sheet Google Form.
- If no payment has been made by this time, send an email to Crystal Thompson, with a copy to
- Make sure ALL Kroger invoices for the 2017-18 school year are sent to Accounting for payment by Friday, 4-20-18. Please do not incur any additional invoices/charges after this date. NO EXCEPTIONS!
- Failure to follow these guidelines will result in shopping privileges being revoked.